MusicGlove FRD-MGC21 Clinic Stationary Suite With 21" Workstation
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The MusicGlove is a post-stroke recovery hand glove that is designed to improve hand function through therapeutic music and gaming. It works by motivating users to perform hundreds of therapeutic hand and finger exercises while playing an engaging musical game. Additionally, the MusicGlove Clinical Suites are structured to strengthen patients' hand and finger dexterity and movements that have been damaged after neurological injuries. Included are six gloves for both the right and left hand (Small, Medium, Large) and a 21" touch screen computer with all the software users need already installed. The gloves are made with sensors which boosts the number of repetitions that the wearer will perform. The 21" computer features a simple touchscreen interface and has a large enough screen to accommodate all types of users. Also included with this suite are Premium Headphones, connector cable and User's Manual.