EasyStand PK408 Zing Prone, Moderate Support Package, Size 1
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The Zing Prone is a single position stander but is one of the few to offer a flat-to-load transfer position at a comfortable height of 32?. Prone positioning is from 0-90 degrees including vertical and up to 30 degrees of independent leg abduction. Prone positioning is from 0-90 degrees. Fits individuals from 20"-44" and up to 70 lbs. The upholstery can be black nylon/neoprene or molded urethane and the frames are available in green, purple, orange or white. The unit weighs 55 lbs. The moderate support package includes(no substitutions): Mast with Leg Abduction, Multi-Adjustable Foot Plates, Secure Foot Straps, Multi-Adjustable Knee Pads, Knee Strap, Planar Pelvic Pad, Hip Supports, Padded Positioning Strap (2), Hygienic Covers for (Planar Pelvic Pad, Planar Upper Body Pad, Lateral Supports, Face Aperture), Planar Upper Body Pad, Lateral Supports, Face Aperture, Multi-Adjustable Black Molded Tray, Forearm Wings, Push Handle for Tray, Swivel Locking Casters, Foot Operated Gas Spring, Mast Receiver.
- Weight Capacity: 70
- Country of Origin: United States